10 Best Calcium Supplements | Discover Magazine

2022-05-14 17:20:17 By : Ms. Mia Hong

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Are you getting enough calcium through your regular diet? For most people, this can be a true head-scratcher. What foods contain calcium? How much do you need every day? Is there such thing as getting too much calcium?

All good questions, deserving of careful consideration. Especially before you decide to order a bottle of supplements.

We all know about the calcium-containing properties found in milk. But would it surprise you to learn that eggs, fish, seeds, and beans/lentils all contain calcium?

A varied diet that focuses on getting a wide variety of different foods on your plate can help you get your calcium. For most people, this is not a viable option. Cooking fresh meals all the time takes cash and money, something your average homemaker may not have a lot of. Thus, it is a good idea to fortify your diet with a calcium supplement.

How much calcium you need varies depending on your age and gender. Generally speaking, you will probably need less of it as you age. It is important to bear in mind that the exact amount you need is unique to yourself.

We recommend that you speak with your doctor to figure out the right dosage for you. There is one rule of thumb: you should get at least 1,000 mg of calcium per day. If you get less than that then you are risking developing weak bones.

The answer is both yes and no. The amount of calcium your body absorbs drops as the amount increases. For instance, the average adult will absorb 45% of 200 mg of calcium, for a total of 90 mg. This rate drops to 15% when consuming 2,000 mg of calcium. Thus, there is a point where it ceases to be worthwhile to consume more.

Again, as with all things that impact your health, speak with a doctor before deciding on how much to take.

According to the National Institutes of Health, the average calcium intake for men is 1,083 mg. For women, it is lower: 842 mg. This is below the 1,000mg baseline for all adults, resulting in weaker bones.

A supplement will correct this issue by making sure you get an adequate amount of calcium every day. A supplement, especially one like calcium, is best viewed as a long-term investment. You take it every day to prevent bone fractures and breakages further down the line.

Here are 10 of the best calcium supplements currently on the market. Each one has undergone testing to ensure its purity and was reviewed for its ease of use. After all, no one should ever take a second-rate supplement.

Image Courtesy of Elm & Rye

Looking for an affordable supplement that comes packed with plenty of calcium? Elm & Rye has your back with its certified 500 mg calcium tablets.

Each tablet is coated. This makes them easy to swallow without encountering a nasty chalky flavor, a common issue with most calcium supplements.

We took these capsules every day for a week. During that time, we took careful notes about our experiences with the supplement. We focused a great deal on how easy it was to integrate into our daily lives.

Our team found that it was easy to work these capsules into our morning routine, especially so for those that take medications at the same time. All you do is open the lid, shake out a capsule, and carry on with the knowledge you have gotten the needed calcium.

The average American gets close to the desired amount of calcium every day. As such, you should only need a single capsule.

Unless you are prescribed a medication that should not be taken at the same time as a calcium capsule (check with your doctor or pharmacist), when you take the supplement does not matter. These capsules only come with all-natural ingredients. It also avoids fillers that will keep you up at night. As such, we are certain that you will find the perfect time of day to integrate these capsules into your daily life.

A one-time sale of 30 capsules is only $49.99. But you can save 20% by subscribing to a monthly plan. Elm & Rye guarantees that you will find these supplements a welcome addition to your life. The company offers a wide range of supplements and health goods. Thus, making it easy to craft a custom supplement package to address your specific needs.

Tired of the same old supplements you can find at the drug store? Turn to GNC's calcium soft chews today to discover a new world in supplements.

These chews taste amazing, making it easy to get the calcium you need without dealing with pills. All you need to do is unwrap it and enjoy.

GMC makes a variety of flavored chews, though we tested only the caramel flavored. Our team found that it is perfect for any time of day. Toss one in your sack lunch for a delicious mid-day treat. Or enjoy a chew after dinner. You can even eat one right before settling in for the night. In short - you will never have to find an excuse to take your calcium supplement.

Each chew contains 600 mg of calcium, making it possible to get your daily allotment with ease.

Each bag costs only $14.99 and includes 60 caramel-flavored chews. This is an amazing deal when compared with other calcium supplements.

We recommend this brand for anyone looking to try out nutritional supplements. GNC has worked for decades to build a reputation for excellence. This brand is trusted by doctors, athletes, and normal consumers nationwide. The company has locations scattered throughout the country. As such, you are more than likely within driving distance of one of their stores. Make the journey today and discover which supplements, besides calcium, will help you. Get started on your journey to a healthier life today!

Image Courtesy of Nature Made

Finding the right calcium supplement shouldn't be a challenge. Nature Made is proud to offer some of the highest quality calcium supplements around.

Nature Made offers a wide variety of calcium supplements: gummies, soft gels, and tablets. This means that you can find the perfect supplement for every member of your family. The prices are affordable as well, with the most expensive being the gummies at $15.39.

This brand is available nationwide both online and in Walmart stores. As such, it has never been easier to pick up the supplements you need.

Our team made the trip to Walmart and bought a variety of calcium supplements. It was our mission to find out which variety was the easiest to take. Our conclusion: it depends on what you are used to.

The gummies are perfect for children and adults that don't take any medications. The soft gels are great for those who have a hard time swallowing tablets.

The tablet was somewhat unique. You can crush them and add them to your food or drink, making this a good choice for those that can't stand pills.

Nature Made certifies all its products through a third-party lab. This means that every jar is the exact same, without any consistency issues. This is in direct opposition to many smaller manufacturers, who do not need to test. This is due to a loophole in federal law. Supplements do not have to undergo testing as long as they don't cause sickness.

On the hunt for the most affordable calcium supplement available? Look no further than Spring Valley's calcium supplements. A 100 count of 600 mg calcium supplements can be had for only $3.96. This undercuts the competition by a significant margin without sacrificing quality.

A single bottle was all that we needed. After all, four people times seven days, two times per day equals 56 pills. This means the 100 pills contained in the bottle were more than enough. It also means that a single bottle can last you almost two months. Not bad for something that costs about as much as a Starbucks coffee.

There are some sacrifices that come with the amazing price, though. Each tablet tasted like chalk and was big enough to almost need chewing. Are a few seconds’ inconvenience worth the low price? That is something for you to determine.

The reason for the low price is quite simple - it is Walmart's house brand. That means they are not trying to make a profit at every stage of the creation and shipping process. Their factories make the supplements. Their drivers ship them to the stores. Their employees shelve them. All the cost savings that come with such vertical integration are passed down to you.

Image Courtesy of Puritan's Pride

Are you looking for a calcium supplement that will guarantee that you get your daily calcium? Puritan's Pride offers you the opportunity to check calcium off your list with a 1,200 mg capsule. Imagine the simple joy of never having to worry about your calcium intake again.

Puritan's Pride is a brand with decades of experience in the supplement market. The company offers a wide range of supplements perfect for daily living to maintain your bones. With that wealth of experience comes a dedication to providing the highest quality. The developers take great pride in providing you with consistent products. This means you can take your supplement with confidence knowing that it is perfect.

Beyond the calcium, this supplement includes the vitamin D you need to put the calcium to work.

This was by far our favorite to test. The soft gel capsules were easy to wash down with our morning cup of milk and fitted in with the rest of our pills. During our testing week, we found that these supplements were almost as easy to take as the caramel chews discussed earlier.

Our team reported high levels of adherence to the test program. Frankly, it was among the highest out of the 10 calcium supplements we tested.

Another thing we were impressed with was the testing process. Each pill is tested fifteen times during the manufacturing process. This means you will receive a perfect supplement every time you open the bottle.

Tired of the usual pill supplements? Vitafusion offers you the perfect combo of Vitamin D and calcium to help you keep your bones strong. Each set of gummies comes in a variety of delectable fruit flavors, including cherry, strawberry, and orange.

The delicate taste of the fruit is a perfect way to end your morning routine. Or evening. It doesn't matter, as long as you remember to take them every day.

We are particularly interested in combo supplements. Especially those that combine calcium with vitamin D. After all, you need to get your daily dosage of both. Otherwise, your bones will not strengthen as well as they could.

The price is very reasonable, only $9.98 for a 50-day supply. So for the price of two premium cups of coffee, you will be protecting your bones for almost two months. Not that shabby, all things considered.

Remember that a supplement is meant to help you reach your health goals. It is not a solution in and of itself. This means that you need to exercise, eat right, and visit your doctor on a regular basis. Doing so will make you feel better, get stronger, and be able to weather whatever life throws your way.

Tired of calcium supplements that are impossible to swallow? The miniature tablets offered by Citracal offer you the opportunity to get the calcium and Vitamin D you need without any stress. All you need to do is open the bottle, shake out two coated tablets, and swallow!

Notice that we said two tablets. You will need to take two of them twice a day to get the desired amount of calcium and vitamin D. This means that the 200 tablets included translates to 50 days’ worth of supplements.

Several members of our testing team have a problem taking pills. Thankfully, this problem is abated through the use of smaller pills. All you need to do is toss them in, swallow with a mouthful of water, and relax.

In short, we recommend this brand to anyone with a fussy pill taker. The smaller pills go a long way to solving the "I can't swallow pills" conundrum.

Image Courtesy of The Vitamin Shoppe

Tired of taking several supplements to get all the vitamins and minerals you need? Worried about ingesting animal products when you brush your teeth in the morning?

Living Whole Food Plant Calcium Advanced solves both of those challenges by providing over 12 vitamins and minerals, all derived from plants.

Priced at an affordable $22.32, a single jar will last you 60 days. So, in essence, you are paying less than 50 cents a day to make certain you get all the vital vitamins and minerals you need. When was the last time you found something good for you for that low of a price?

Our team did their full workup on these supplements and found that they were completely satisfied. One thing we did not like was the website. While functional, the graphics for the product did not show. We had to dig into the site to find the image shown above. A small thing, but one that will turn away many potential buyers.

Now, this does not impact the quality of the product. It is only a sign of poor web development and one that can sink a company faster than a bolt of lightning.

One thing we did like was the broad nature of the included vitamins and minerals. You can easily replace a whole drawer full of bottles with only one - and save money to boot. All you have to do is visit the site (or go to one of their shops if possible) and order a bottle.

Image Courtesy of Swanson Vitamins  

These delectable gummies are guaranteed to be a hit for you and your family. Especially for those that are vegetarian/vegan. The jelly itself is made from fruit pectin, not gelatin. Additionally, there are no animal products included in the gummies. Everything is plant-based, making this a sure-fire winner for those that strive to be as good to the Earth as possible.

Sweetened with tapioca syrup and made with 26 fruits and vegetables, this is like a treat that makes certain you get your daily allotment of fresh veggies! Well, except for the fiber bit. You have to bite down on some carrots for that. 

We were pleased with the quality of the gummies. Each one was pleasantly chewy with a delectable flavor that lasts from the first bite to the last. It was both tart and sweet, without one overpowering the other. Frankly, we would be hard-pressed to tell them apart from pure treat gummies. They were that good. 

Each bottle can be had for $7.83, after the 30% off coupon. Good for a month, these gummies cost barely more than a quarter per day. 

One thing that should be considered before buying this brand is its reputation. On Swanson Vitamin's website, you can find over 20 stellar reviews from customers just like yourself. So hop on over and see what they had to say - we guarantee that it will be worth the read! 

Finding the perfect Vitamin D3 and calcium supplement does not have to be a monumental chore. There are hundreds of companies dedicated to producing high-quality supplements — perfect for use at home and on the go. 

We were pleased to find that these tablets included both calcium and Vitamin D3, ensuring that you get enough of both to enjoy the benefits of having stronger bones and teeth. As always, we took a bottle home for a week’s worth of tests. By integrating it into our daily lives, we can see first-hand how easy it is to put them into our regular routine. Some took the supplement when they got up. Others did so at the end of the day. And a few surprising people took them with their midday pills alongside their lunch in our office kitchen. In short, you can take them anytime you like. Just remember to take them regularly! 

One of the greatest challenges to living a better life is keeping track of all the small changes you have made to it. One of the easiest to forget about is taking your daily vitamin. Be it a soft gel, a tablet, or a gummy, you need to make certain that you take it every day. Otherwise, you will not experience the full health benefits that can come with using a daily supplement. Just make certain to check this chore off your list at the same time, every day.

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